House of Leaves | Review

House of Leaves by Mark Z. DanielewskiThis book was a birthday present by one of my exes. She thought I would enjoy it, with the way it was written, all wacky and everything. Almost every page printed a different way. (Not to be all dramatic and depressing but the book ended up being another excuse … Continue reading House of Leaves | Review


Milkweed  by Jerry Spinelli I gave a mini-review of this in an earlier post where I talked about my current reads. I hadn't gotten far with it at the time and so there wasn't much to say. The book was only 204 pages so I finished it within a few hours. Honestly, I'm not sure … Continue reading Milkweed

A Very Welcome to My Blog!


Hello & Welcome To My Blog! The Ranting Raven Rae I've posted a few things already, but I felt it was time to really introduce myself and my plans for the blog for the following few months. I'm sure some of you have already seen and read the few posts I made and can see … Continue reading A Very Welcome to My Blog!


The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness Now, this was a book that I had found at the library years ago and I lost interest in it really fast. I read only a few pages before deciding to completely give up on it. It was like, every time I tried to read even … Continue reading The Knife of Never Letting Go

The Girl Who Played With Fire

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Steig Larsson In continuing with the Millennium series, I went to the next book in the series - The Girl Who Played With Fire. After reading the first book, I was definitely ready to see where this next book brought us in the story with Lisbeth Salander and … Continue reading The Girl Who Played With Fire

Fangirl – Review


Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell I've come across this book a few times since it was written - primarily during the time I didn't read much. It wasn't until my Aunt gave me a raving review and recommendation for it that I truly considered reading it. It seems that lately, I'm going for novels on pure recommendation … Continue reading Fangirl – Review

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Review

**Keep in mind that the picture is from the remake of the movie and is not my photo. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson When I originally came along this book, my grandmother was recommending it me. At the time, I was just slowing down on my reading and it was one … Continue reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo – Review